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Read through some frequently asked questions:
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Who can use the NDCF? All currently certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians can use the NDCF. CPSTs have the necessary knowledge to provide current and technically correct information to parents and caregivers. Learn more about CPSTs at
How do I access the NDCF? Nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians can create a free account.
Once a CPST creates an account, how soon will they be able to access and use the NDCF? Allow 1 to 3 business days to activate a new account. Technicians will receive an email to confirm account activation.
Do CPSTs need to have an agency affiliation to use this resource? No. Agency affiliation is not required to use the NDCF. Any currently certified Technician can use the NDCF to track seat check data.
What resources are included with the NDCF? The NDCF contains the following live links:
Note: CPSTs should have a printed copy of a current car seat recall list when using the app without internet connection, or in case connection is lost when using the web-based platform.
What type of device do I need to use the NDCF? The NDCF can be used on any device that has data/internet access or the ability to download the App to use when internet access is unavailable. The check form can be used in one of three ways:
What type of device do I need to use the NDCF?
The NDCF can be used on any device that has data/internet access or the ability to download the App to use when internet access is unavailable. The check form can be used in one of three ways:
Where do I find the NDCF app?
The NDCF app is available free of charge for iOS, Android, and Amazon Kindle devices. Visit the app store and search “car seat check form”. Look for the green and white icon.
Is there a specific browser that should be used?
The NDCF has been extensively tested using Google Chrome and is the preferred browser when working with the web application. However, it will work on other current browsers.
What operating system is needed?
Devices must have an operating system of 8.0 or newer to run smoothly.
I often work in areas with limited data connection, how can I use the NDCF?
Follow these simple tips to ensure a successful experience while using electronic devices:
What resources are included with the NDCF?
The NDCF contains the following live links when using with data/internet access:
Links require internet connection.
Why is demographic Personally Identifiable Information not collected on the NDCF? PII is not collected through the NDCF and all data is saved on a secure HIPAA–compliant server to respect the privacy rights of caregivers.
Since the NDCF does not contain family identifiers, how can I easily find the form later? Each family is assigned a unique Form ID number when a new car seat check form is created using the web-based platform. Forms completed using the app will be issued a Form ID number once uploaded to the online user account. This unique Form ID number may be used to reference specific car seat check information if the form needs to be reviewed after submission.
Who has access to data collected through the NDCF? The NDCF includes a tiered-access system:
How do I generate a report with the car seat check data submitted? Data is available to users in three different platforms.
I worked with another Technician on a car seat check and the information was entered into their NDCF account. Will I be able to retrieve data from the car seat check in my profile? Yes. The data from that car seat check will be available to all CPSTs listed on the check form. The data will be added to the cleaned data file for the account holder and made available in a raw data format to all other technicians listed on the form.
Our agency has a specific liability statement that is required. How can an agency liability statement be added to the National Digital Car Seat Check Form? Liability statement options:
Do CPSTs need liability insurance? Supporting information to answer this question can be found by following these links:
Can I practice using the NDCF prior to using it in the field? Yes. When creating a new seat check form, select “Training” in the state drop down menu “What state is this seat check taking place in?”
Can I correct a mistake on a seat check form after it is submitted? Car seat check forms can be edited before the form is submitted. Once submitted, the form cannot be edited.
What if there is more than one team assisting the same family in the same vehicle, checking different seats on separate devices?
Option 1: Each Technician/Technician team should log into a separate device to create a new check form for the seats they inspected.
Option 2: If only one device is available, have one team use the corresponding paper form.
How do I find an existing Tech ID number when creating a check form? Begin typing the CPSTs last name or Technician ID number. If the CPST has an account, the last name will auto populate. Select the CPST’s name.
My agency is hosting multiple events at different locations on the same day (e.g. National Seat Check Saturday). How is data separated? Provide a description of the event in the event field. (e.g. Seat Check Saturday, one-on-one appointment, etc.).
Is there a place for a Senior Checker/Supervisor/Tech Proxy to sign off? Yes. The individual responsible for a final inspection sign off should enter their name in the “Final Inspection Sign-Off” field at the end of section 5.
Are car seat checks submitted through the National Digital Car Seat Check Form uploaded to my individual Safe Kids certification profile for recertification? No. CPSTs must sign into their Safe Kids certification profile and enter individual seat checks for recertification.
What if my certification expires? Can I continue using the NDCF? No. An active account will be suspended until current proof of certification has been submitted. Upload a copy of the updated wallet card located in your individual Safe Kids certification profile online.
Can I provide feedback about the NDCF? Yes! The NDCF programs welcomes your feedback. Log in to and click on “Report Feedback”. Complete and submit the form.
Who should I contact with technical questions? Email technical questions to [email protected]
How can I schedule a training for CPSTs or organizations to learn how to use the National Digital Car Seat Check Form? Orientation trainings are available to all CPS programs interested in learning more about the use and benefits of the NDCF. Email [email protected]
How often will the form be updated? Updates to the NDCF are made annually. Much like the National Child Passenger Safety Technician Certification Training curriculum, the National Digital Car Seat Check Form is an evolving resource and will continue to be updated in order to meet the changing needs of the field.
Where do I find the app? The app is available free of charge for iOS, Android and Amazon Kindle devices. Visit the app store and search “car seat check form”. Look for the green and white icon.
Is there a specific browser that should be used? The NDCF has been extensively tested using Google Chrome and is the preferred browser when working with the web application. However, it will work on other current browsers.
What operating system is needed? Devices must have an operating system of 8.0 or newer to run smoothly.
I often work in areas with limited or no data connection, how can I use the NDCF? Follow these simple tips to ensure a successful experience while using electronic devices.
Additional questions can be directed to [email protected]